See that photo to the left? That’s how this all got started. I got married in 2017 (to the best guy on the planet) and I created my own wedding album. I’d been making family albums for years, but this was the biggest and most special project I’d tackled. It came out great and I was hooked. I began doing projects for others and found it extremely rewarding—and fun!
I do other things, too. I work in TV sports for ESPN, and in marketing and development for a large retreat center. I’ve done communications for Northeast Utilities, the Hartford Courant, and Yale Law School, all jobs I’ve loved.
But my album work is a labor of love. I get to work with wonderful people who graciously invite me into their lives to chronicle meaningful and memorable parts of their journeys. In working with clients to showcase those moments both big and small—a trip, a retirement party, a first communion, a first day of school—I feel like I become a part of their family. It’s an honor and privilege to do this work.